UHSHL School Admins

Thank you...
...for choosing to learn more about the UHSHL program and the opportunities if offers your students.

Horseshoes is perhaps the best of any sport in its ability to mix Skill Development and Friendly Social Interaction into Wholesome Competition.  Horseshoes is also one of the safest sports - no concussions or stress fractures here.  It's also been called the "most affordable sport" - a quality pair of Horseshoes may last a lifetime, allowing participants to compete long after their football/basketball/drill days are done, it's a lifetime sport.

Although competitive horseshoe pitching has been around a long time, it is just now making headway in the High School club-sport arena.  The first UHSHL seasons have been a whirlwind of success, with some teams asking to be part of the UHSHL when they learned about its formation.  Those schools put teams together in a single week and had a great time!  Check out last Season's results.

The competition season will begin competition the first week of April, wrapping up the second week of May with a State Tournament.

We greatly appreciate your indispensable role as school administrators with assisting in the formation of a UHSHL Horseshoe Club/Team at your school.  Once the team is formed and students/advisers/coaches are organizing there should be minimal additional Administration efforts required.  The Club-Team should operate like any other club-sport already at your school (Water polo, Lacrosse, Hockey, etc).

3 Key helps from Administrators 
1- IMMIDIATELY Make school-wide announcements about Horseshoe Pitching Team formation. (Utilize all outlets at your disposal, Intercom announcements, School TV - School Social Media - School Website - Newsletters, key classes such as PE, etc).

2- We need to be able to keep track of students who express interest in order to provide assistance in meeting the timeline to participate this year.  Administrators should provide an office sign-up sheet where interested students can provide name and contact email that will be shared with the UHSHL - OR, direct students to the online Interest form at the UHSHL website "Students" page.

3- We ask administrators to help interested students to complete any required documents/process to form a Club at your school.  Your knowledge in this area with help your horseshoe pitching team become a reality and will allow students to become more engaged in leadership responsibility.

Below are resources we have compiled to assist you.  Please review the Timeline now; the first date not to miss is coming soon (If you missed it, please contact us and we can work to get you up to speed).  The UHSHL Rules and Format Info document is the nuts and bolts of the program, it should answer many of the questions you may have.


Have a Question?
See our FAQ page, ask on the UHSHL Facebook Page, or email UtahHSHL@gmail.com

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